Hey! Thanks for checking out some of our 2023 highlights. We, Aiden and Heather, are writing this to you as an account of events and highlights from the past year serving with Multiply as mission mobilizers and worship leaders following the voice of our Lord in
surrender and obedience.
We hope to expand on each of these in the coming months to give you an even more in depth look at what God has been doing in our lives.
FOCUS 2023 / Fall Training
Focus Internship training here in Central Canada has just concluded. Individuals and families discerning full-time vocational mission came to Winnipeg for 2 months to train and be equipped. It was an intense time of discernment, growth and. worship. For these 2 months our role was to lead worship and prayer every morning and help facilitate the program. This is always a huge time of growth and sacrifice for us as well. God demands a lot from us but reminds us that it is only possible by his strength inside of us.
A highlight for us was connecting with Thai brothers and sisters in christ we met last February
during our trip to Thailand. We had many opportunities to lead worship with Boat at Focus training as well as at our Church.
An unexpected secondary highlight arose in the middle of training. During the most trying and stretching portion of training for focus interns and staff, God arranged a series of unplanned guest worship leaders to lead alongside us. He was faithful to provide all we needed in order to continue doing what he has asked of us.
"I loved exploring how to worship with the interns. Throughout our prayer and worship times, we taught about how we can choose to worship when we dont know the language, songs, words, or what's going on around us. We can all offer a sacrifice of praise, and I believe is is important for us to be able to be lead by the Holy Spirit to the feet of Jesus, regardless of our environment. Next time you enter a worship space, I challenge you to ask yourself 'Jesus, how are you asking me to worship you today?'" - Heather
With our Multiply team, we decided to host 2 SOAR Nights in preparation for this upcoming SOAR Heartland 2024. These events are evenings where we invite the community from the previous SOAR events along with others to get a reminder and a taste of what SOAR is like and to come together and worship Jesus.
Our first event was on Oct 20. We gathered to hear a word of encouragement about life on
mission and we worshipped together with 150 believers. The participants then had the option to hear from 2 local ministries of their choice. It was an awesome evening of fellowship and stretching as we got to hear God’s heart for those around us and were moved by His presence in the room
"My favourite part was getting to connect with students who had been at SOAR last March. It was so special and encouraging to pray with them and hear about how Jesus has turned their lives upside down. I pray that they continue to meet with Jesus and are guided by his voice." - Heather
Teaching on worship is something that God continues to call us into. Worship is vital to those living on mission and being devoted followers of Jesus as our whole lives are to be an offering of worship! God has shown us where and when He wants us to share this with his people. This year, we had the opportunity to serve Churches In Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and Thailand, as well as spending time at Steinbach Bible College worshipping with and teaching their discipleship students. We’ve worked with believers of all ages and met many people who love to worship. Looking ahead, we have a few more worship training teaches before the end of the year. Please be praying for receptive hearts and minds to the Father as we walk with diverse communities in the area of worship training. And for us as we depend on Jesus to lead us as we help coach others. Please pray that the lord sends more partners to help support and fund our projects that He has placed on our hearts.
In late spring of 2023, God put it on our hearts to start a prayer room in La Salle together with our community, in this setting our main priority is to minister to the heart of God and to offer up extended times of worship and prayer. To learn more, we travelled to different prayer rooms in North America and met with local leaders to pray into our vision for it. we saw how he is moving in other peoples communities and got to experience different environments and learn how different prayer rooms came to be, but the presence of God alone unifies all of these gatherings and expressions. It has been an incredible experience and has become an amazing discipleship tool as we walk with those who are learning about worship and giving offerings to the Lord. We have also experienced a movement of prayer rooms in the Manitoba area. The Lord is putting it on the hearts of his people locally to provide a resting place for him in our hearts.
Please Check out our "Partner with us" page to keep up to date with where our funding is
We are so grateful to God for the support network He has set up for
us. Thank you to all who have helped make what we do possible this
Our current financial status for the remainder 2023 and 2024 is
critical, we are in need of immediate support in order to continue
serving with multiply.